Privacy Policy

Who We Are

Hey there! You’ve landed on the digital porch of Grab a cold one and make yourself at home!


Leave us a note, will ya? When you comment on our site, we snag the info you typed up, plus your IP address and browser details (it’s like checking your ID at the door) to keep those pesky spam ninjas at bay.

We might turn your email into a secret code (called a hash) and check with Gravatar to see if you’re one of their users. If you’re curious about their privacy rules, peek here: Post-comment, your Gravatar pic might just become famous around these parts.


Uploading pics? Cool, but ditch the GPS tags, buddy. Don’t make it easy for internet weirdos to map your treasure hunt.


Comment on our site, and we might stash your details in cookies, like a squirrel with a winter snack stash. It’s just to save you from typing it all over again next time. These cookies stick around for a year.

Hit our login page, and we’ll check if your browser’s cookie jar is open. No personal info, just a digital handshake. Logging in? We’ll remember you for a while with some cookies, keeping your screen just how you like it. If you forget to log out, no sweat, we’ll clean up in two days, or two weeks if you tell us to stick around.

Editing or publishing? We drop a cookie to remember the article ID, not to snoop. It’s gone in a day.

Embedded Content

Our articles might have extras like videos or images from other sites. It’s like visiting those sites without actually going there, and they might track you like a mall Santa tracking the naughty list.

Data Sharing

Forgot your password? We’ll include your IP address in the reset email, like a return address on a postcard.

Data Retention

Comments stick around forever, like that one dad joke at family reunions. It’s to keep the conversation flowing without the bouncer hassle.

Register with us, and we’ll hold onto your info like a trusted friend. You can tweak it anytime, but usernames are like nicknames; they stick for life. Admins can peek at your info, but it’s all in the family.

Your Rights

Got an account or left comments? You can ask for your data parcel, or say “outta here!” and we’ll erase your digital footprints, except for what we need to hold onto for the big guys (legal, security, you know the drill).

Data Journey

Your comments take a trip through the spam filter to keep the conversation clean, like a bouncer at the door.